Gorgeous Summer Weather and Some Making

We’ve had some really glorious weather the last few days. Summer has arrived with the first week of June. And how can it possibly be June already. In a couple short weeks the days will start getting shorter again.

Work has continued to be busy. We got word last week that our board has selected a new CEO who will start in September. I’m sure it’s going to be a very active year coming up.

I’ve been playing a lot of pickleball the last week. I played Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! I didn’t play today because I hurt my hand playing on Thursday and I wanted to give it some time off. Luckily it’s my left hand so I still have my paddle hand and will be back on the court tomorrow morning for some drilling with my coach. It’s been so long since we have had time to drill. The rain made it difficult to play outside and he had surgery in March. He’s finally back to playing and with our gorgeous weather we’re all anxious to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

I haven’t done much sewing the last week. I did manage to make nearly 50 key fobs. I started with the leftover batiks from my recent palate cleanser project. I made almost 30 key fobs from these fabrics alone.

Here’s the video tutorial I used for these fobs.

Here’s a link to the original set of hardware and the tool I use to apply the hardware to the fabric.

I started with the pieces I cut last weekend then cut the fusible fleece pieces.

Then got all the fleece pressed to the fabric.

Once I had these all pressed I got to chain piecing the top-stitching.

I think I ended up with 38 fobs from these left over batiks.

They’re so pretty and they whip up really quickly. So when I had these done I decided to make one lanyard from some of that batik fabric. I had purchased the hardware for these a couple of years ago and have never made a lanyard. It was quick to make as well.

There are tons of tutorials on YouTube for making these lanyards.

I’m sure I’ll make more but I need to refer to a tutorial to see how long they make them. Mine turned out a little short but would work well for hanging a house key around my neck while I walk my dogs.

Today I dug in and sorted out some KFC scraps and cut another 20 pieces for key fobs. then I got them all pressed and topstitched.

I was so close to being done that I went ahead and finished sewing these pieces by folding the two ends together and stitching a line across.

Those are all attached by a thread. Once cut apart and trimmed, I added the hardware and then I was done.

I added these to the batik ones I made last week and the remaining ones from when I last made these and now have around 60 key fobs ready to be given away.

I really like having some of these on hand. They make nice little gifts or just something to give people who visit so they can have something I made. People love them! I think I have nearly ten of them in use at my house!

I’m getting closer to deciding what project I’m going to work on next. Might be a total surprise and a little impulsive.

9 Replies to “Gorgeous Summer Weather and Some Making”

  1. Very nice to hear from you and see your key fobs, they are yummy! Thank you for sharing the tutorial link and your photos. Have a beautiful week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could use a little motivation myself1 With our gorgeous spring into summer I feel like I need to spend as much time outdoors as possible. I can quilt in the dark of winter!



      1. I don’t know why, but I love sewing in the summer!

        I usually make dresses, or toys, but once the warm weather hits, I’m itching to sew

        People are fascinatingly weird


  2. Love your quilts! I have made a few of your patterns when I’m not making QOV. We are coming to Portland this Wednesday for my husband’s submariner’s reunion. I have brought quilts to auction off to support our reunions that are held every other year. I will miss my dogs while we’re gone, but I have my daughter and her kids taking care of them. If you have anything we should do while we’re there, please let me know! Keep on sharing your life with us! Kathy Stevens. 9377252262


    1. If you have a car I’d recommend a trip up the Columbia river Gorge to see some of the waterfalls. Also, take a drive up to see views of Mt. Hood. Of course, I’d recommend seeing the waterfront near downtown. Also wonderful is the Portland Japanese Gardens which are right next to the Portland Rose Garden with gorgeous views of the city and Mt. Hood. That would be relatively close to down town.

      Thanks for reading!



  3. Love the fobs and intrigued by the lanyard! How did you attach the swivel clasps to the ends? I’ve just been making a bag strap with a young autistic man who I’m coaching on sewing, and the problem we had was the swivel always seemed to swivel so the untidy stitched over end (what I would call the wrong side) showed on the right side, so I wondered if you had a nice, easy, tidy way of attaching them!

    I have looked for clasps that don’t swivel, but can’t find any!




  4. Jpruff From:jpruff@yahoo.comTo:agilejackMon, Jun 10 at 10:25 AMI also make fobs – especially for the college aged grands. I embroider their name and/or school on grosgrain ribbon and stitch it to a piece of 1” nylon strapping. I also have made a tube (slipcover) of Kaffe fabric and slid it over the nylon strapping, then top stitch. The nylon makes for a sturdier handle than using just batting and easier to grab onto in a purse or backpack. I I have two embroidery machines and always looking for new ideas to use them since the grands are beyond cuteness embroidery.  It’s a great hobby. Joyce Ruff

    Sent from my iPad – –


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