Getting Back in the Groove… a Little

I’m slowly getting back to normal after a few hectic weeks. Our weather has dipped a little away from spring with some rainy and cool days. Almost all our spring blooms are done and the roses are starting to show all their glory.

The peonies are just starting to open and the first blooms are gorgeous! This one must have been almost 8 inches across!

And some lovely red poppies… I just love poppies.

I’m sorry to say that Rico peed on that poppy after I took that photo. Bad dog.

And I’ve been lucky enough to have a few strawberries off my new plants. I wish I could get enough for breakfast some morning. I just love that I grew these!

And speaking of flowers… on Thursday afternoon my doorbell rang, which rarely happens. And standing there was a woman with a bouquet of flowers for me. They were from a consultant that I’ve worked with for years… to congratulate me on my recent award. They are so gorgeous and the entire house smells wonderful!

Over the last couple evenings I’ve been chunking away at the purple and aqua batik blocks. I’ve finished 12 of 20 blocks. I’m hoping to have all these blocks done this weekend.

That’s not the final layout… I’m just tossing these blocks up on the wall as I get them done.

This next picture shows how the blocks will be spaced out when this is done. Where the white of my design wall shows through will be more batik strips. So the plaid design will be accentuated with those lines.

I really wish I could get a good photo of those batiks. They are so dark in this photo. In reality they are softer and much more vibrant. I’m enjoying sewing with them. It’s been some time since I made a quilt from batiks.

I played pickleball again this morning then headed up to Washington for Rico’s weekly sheep herding lesson. The big field we usually work in was covered with tall grass, which means the dog would have a difficult time seeing the sheep. So we worked in a smaller field on some close work. Rico, of course, did an amazing job!

Once we were done I headed over to the large field at the Washington State University campus to let these boys run. And speaking of tall grass… it must have been a foot taller than it was last week!

The dogs were soaked in no time since the grass was wet from some rain showers. Bender got some sticky weed stuck all over himself!

They had so much fun running through that tall grass! And I had a hard time locating them at times. Rico got lost once… he went out quite a ways and got all discombobulated. He was trying to find me and follow the sound of my voice as I called his name. It took him some time and effort to find the right direction.

We got pretty wet out there as a pretty blustery little squall came through as we were walking. I’m glad I thought to put on my rain coat before we headed out. But it was a beautiful day, although cool.

I’m playing pickleball tomorrow morning with my friend who just moved here. Then I hope to get cracking on those quilt blocks. On Sunday I’m playing pickleball with the same friend and her husband and my pickleball coach. I’m looking forward to it!

I’m happy to have a nice long weekend.

16 Replies to “Getting Back in the Groove… a Little”

  1. Beautiful gorgeous flowers. Lucky you on the delivered bouquet. The batiks are interesting but seem so calm compared to Kaffe. As always photos never do the fabric justice.


  2. Good morning.

    Great to see your photos. I love working with batik fabrics, your flowers, luscious green spaces.

    I have a friend who just moved to Ashland, Oregon, no idea where there is. I think about her hiking beuatiful places there. I miss rain, not cold.

    Thank you for sharing



  3. Congratulations on your award !!

    The flowers are beautiful.

    Love the new batik blocks.

    Your projects are so inspiring.

    Happy Memorial Day

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! Love the striped roses! I wish I could find one. Your strawberries 🍓 look so good. I’m really liking your new batik quilt in progress and your flower bouquet. Very sweet. I hope your memorial weekend lasts a good long time and hugs to the boys!🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Anne, what pattern are you using for the purple and aqua batik quilt? I;d love to get some batiks to try one like it!

    Thanks! Diane


  6. Hello from Michigan!
    A little over a year ago I discovered Your beautiful scrap quilt and the pattern from Terry Rowland (and her you-tube videos on the Color wash scrap Challenge). Several ladies from our church got together with scraps and had enough to make two nice sized lap quilts! Loved the process and the final product! Thank you for your inspiration! Jackie


    1. You’re ahead of me! I still have my blocks sitting in a pile in my sewing room closet! I HAVE been thinking of what to do with them Likely some kind of bordered approach. I lost interest in all that work on th design wall but loved making those little blocks!



  7. welcome back and thank you for the share Nature is amazing – seeing it, being in it is wonderful of course your Batik project is beautiful as well đź’–đź‘Ś

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My favorite local shop is Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie, Oregon. I have several online stores that I like:
      Island quilter
      Fenwick Fabrics
      All About Color Quilting
      Glorious Color
      Among others. but those are good places to start.

      Fingers crossed for more strawberries soon!



  8. Good morning! So glad to find your blog again. For some reason I stopped receiving your posts! I love the quilts you create because each one has its own distinct colorful story! Looking forward to seeing your creations as well as pictures of all the flowers and the dogs!!


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