Anniversary of Our Ice Storm and a New Ice Storm Project

It was a year ago that the Portland area was hit by a huge ice storm. You can see a post I did about the storm here.

At the time of the storm I was working on a light toned scrappy trip quilt. Someone commented that the quilt looked like the ice storm. So I named it my Ice Storm quilt. This quilt is really not a color palette that I would normally get excited about but I love the way it turned out. And it does feel like ice!

So this one year anniversary of that storm feels like the perfect time to dig out the strip tubes that are left over and do something with them. So I fashioned them into two panels for a Frankenbag this evening.

I basically followed the same piecing as on the indigo batik bag I finished last week. Here are some of the pieces on my cutting table.

Then I added strips to each of these pieces, measured, trimmed, and sewed them into two panels. One turned out darker…

And the other one turned our lighter. . .

I think I actually prefer the top darker one. But it will be cool that the two sides of the bag have very different feels.

I will make the quilt sandwiches and get these quilted tomorrow night.

I had today off for the Presidents Day holiday. So the first thing I did was sleep in. then, after breakfast, I ran off to my roofing contractor to sign paperwork, make a down payment, and get them on their way to my place to tarp my roof. they are so busy, they can’t actually put my new room on for a couple months. So they were planning on coming by on Wednesday to put up tarps to keep the rain out of my living room. Then I got a call that they had a team available today and they hightailed it over and got the job done.

They put a section on the front of the house and a section on the back. It looks terrible, but it makes me feel so much better!

After the workers were well on their way, I confirmed that they didn’t need me for anything and hopped in the car to run to a local fabric store that I love that just got a new shipment of Australian Aboriginal fabrics. A little snow squall came through while I was driving. I was so surprised to see snow! Snow is usually a really big deal here.

I have four wheel drive and a lot of experience driving in snow, so I feel pretty confident on slick roads. But I do worry about the drivers in Portland who have very little experience with it. Luckily, the roads weren’t much more than just wet.

And now to the good part… Fabric! I bought a ridiculous amount of Aboriginal fabric… all half yard cuts.

That’s 28 half yards of fabric! I even bought two half yards of the same one. Hmmm. I wonder how that happened. It’s all so gorgeous!

The store posted a photo of all these fabrics on Instagram a few weeks ago and I’ve been thinking about them ever since. So it was inevitable that I’d get my butt out there at some point in time. Look at how gorgeous they are stacked up on my ironing board!!!

I also bought a yard of gray batik to use for the lining for the ice storm bag.

Back to work tomorrow. Luckily, it will be a short week.

30 Replies to “Anniversary of Our Ice Storm and a New Ice Storm Project”

  1. I love the Aboriginal prints. Such rich, beautiful colours. Tomorrow I’m off to my new favourite fabric store here in North Wales UK to do a block of the month patchwork class. I know they’ve just had a delivery of some beautiful spring themed Lewis and Irene fabrics. Oh dear, I can feel a mega purchase coming on šŸ¤­

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just love them too. I’m working on a scrappy trip quilt using some strips I had left over from other projects. I need to get moving on that! I think I only made five blocks before it stalled out.


  2. Hi Ive just started reading your blog. Im enjoying it so much. You are so inspiring and creative. I love hearing about your wonderful boys too. Wish I lived next door to you. Karen

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love reading your blog,so much fun! It’s exciting to see every day and today I swooned over your aboriginals today. I’ve been collecting 1/2 yd. pieces too! (for yrs.) I thought I had seen them all as I kind of live in ‘quilt country’ here in NE Pa. but have not amassed anything like yours. Would you mind sharing the name of your shop, I did a search but did not find much. I would have bought 2 of that purple too!! I can’t wait to see what wonderful thing you do with them,the only thing I’ve seen so far was a shop owner used them in a diamonds quilt. We drove through a snow squall this wknd en route to a new fabric shop too,surprised you got one. I’m glad your roof got tarped, that’s reassuring. Be well.


    1. Here’s one quilt that I made last year using Aboriginal fabrics.

      There are a number of posts on making this quilt on my blog. Just go to and search for “aboriginal” and they will come up. It was very simple construction and really lets the fabrics shine.

      I bought this latest batch of Aboriginal fabric from Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie, Oregon. They have an online shop but I”m not sure if all these fabrics are up there yet.



  4. Just love the aboriginal fabrics! I have some, probably not this many. My fabric stash is already too expansive, but Iā€™d love to get some of these.
    I have not made a frankenbag yet, but have wanted too since I saw the first one on Pinterest! Maybe soonā€¦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOu should make one! The thing I’ve really enjoyed about making them is that I can try out an idea or fabric combo without committing to a more involved project. And… I actually finish them!!!


    1. It’s funny, but I tend to think of Aboriginal fabrics as being dark with color. It seems like they are coming out with much more bold color ways, which makes me really happy. I’m glad you were able to find some online.


  5. I love your blog n bags…I’m wondering of the aboriginal fabrics are available where you bought them. Could name the store where you bought them I would live to order online.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I bought them at Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie, Oregon. They have an online store and do ship. I’m not sure if they have all these Aboriginal fabrics up on their website yet.

      They also have a really nice selection of Kaffe Fassett Collective fabrics, among a lot of others!



    1. Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie. They have an online shop too. they also have a nice selection of Kaffe Fassett Collective fabrics. Probably the best selection in Portland.


    1. I’ve been thinking about how to use those left over strips for some time. I will still have plenty after this project. Might just make up some of the squares and make a utilitarian tote out of them.


  6. The ice bag is great and a surprise from all the color you work with! Love all the Aboriginal fabric too! I would also like the shops info if they mail fabric. Glad you have the roof tarped…. You don’t want water getting on your Bernina or all the luscious fabric you have! Or yourself or the boys šŸ˜„

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The shop is Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie, Oregon. They have an online shop and do ship. I’m not sure if all these Aboriginals are up on their site yet. They also have a nice selection of Kaffe Fassett Collective fabrics and lovely batiks.

      OMG! I hadn’t even thought of my fabric getting wet!!! Thank goodness the tarps are up or I’d be freaking out!!!



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