A Brisk and Sunny Day and Some Soft Grays

After the record breaking warm weather we’ve been having, today it all turned and although the sun was out, it was much cooler with a little wind. I actually wore a parka and gloves for our afternoon walk. I haven’t worn more than a fleece or light jacket for weeks.

Getting bundled up for our walk in the dark tonight felt like I was getting ready to make an assault on Mount Everest! My long parka. A fleece hat. A fleece neck gator. Fleece gloves. All I needed was a Sherpa!

After our cold walk I hit the sewing room to quilt the panels from the Ice Storm bag I started last night. I just love how the quilting transforms these pieces. I always wait to pass judgement on a panel I’ve made until I see it quilted.

Here’s both panels quilted with the gusset corners cut out.

Once the panels were quilted I whipped up a couple of handles and got the body of the bag constructed. If the quilting transforms the panels, this step really makes it feel different. Now it looks like something!

And the other side…

This bag is just so crazy different from the stuff I usually make. But I’m loving these soft and romantic colors.

Here’s the bag with the fabric that I’ll use for the lining. I think it’s a good fit.

I should get a good start on finishing the up tomorrow night.

A friend of mine who is an avid knitter sent me a photo of a little project caddy she liked. It’s basically a little quilted box with some handles that you can keep on your coffee table to hold your current knitting project. I’ve been checking out Pinterest to find a pattern and found this one that would work… but I would do two handles, rather than the one basket type handle. This will at least give me a base for the size. I can figure out how to construct it once I understand the proportions. That might be my next quick project.

We’ve got a few cold days and nights coming up. We’re going to be down in the teens a couple of nights this week. That happens at least once each winter here. But it’s usually short lived.

12 Replies to “A Brisk and Sunny Day and Some Soft Grays”

  1. Love the new Ice Storm bag! Far different from the Kaffe colors, but nice. I’m slowly getting back to sewing. My PT twice a week is sewing. Yesterday I started hand basting a curvy Dresden to the background. My arthritic fingers protested but I got it half way done. I’m encouraged greatly that I can get back to creating again!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I recently found your site & love your bags. I have several projects to finish up before I attempt one. I would like to recommend a site that I follow for your friend’s project caddy – Sew Can She. She has many free patterns for organization & the instructions are clear. It’s worth a visit!
    I’m in Texas & it’s cold down here too!

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  3. I really love Kaffe fabrics and what you do with them but I have have to say I love…love this bag too! Would never have thought these colors would work this well and be so “classy” looking. Beautiful bag!

    Liked by 1 person

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