I’m Baaaaaack

I’ve been on vacation for a few days and had company visiting. I’m exhausted! My company left yesterday morning and then my roofing company started tearing off my roof. It was a stressful day.

So, what have I been up to? Certainly not a stitch of sewing.

On Saturday I had Rico entered in an agility trial. He did a pretty good job. Here’s a snippet.

It was a great day with perfect cloudy and cool weather for being outdoors and it was really fun to spend the day around friends.

I picked up my nephew and his girlfriend at the train station on Sunday night and on Monday we went to the Portland Japanese Garden. Here’s the youngsters with the Portland city scape in the background.

It was a lovely visit to the garden. It’s really beautiful, peaceful, and refreshing. Here’s some photos.

And this view deserves to stand alone.

The Japanese Garden is located right next to the Portland Rose Garden and the roses were in their glory. I could have spent an hour there looking at all the amazing colors and forms. Here’s waaaaay too many photos of roses! You can click on each photo to get a closer look.

I wish I had a better picture to represent the size of this rose garden. It must be more than five acres. It’s really amazing. This is just one small section of it.

When we got home from the gardens, my brother and his wife had arrived on their way home from Spokane and we had a nice home made dinner of spaghetti that I made in prep for their vacation visit in May. We drank some wine that was made by my cousin in Washington. His vineyard is named after the town in Northern Italy that my grandparents came from — Telve di sopra.

The next day we all loaded up in my car, including Bender and Rico, and we headed for the coast. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and a wonderful place to spend the summer solstice.

It was a nice low tide and the boys got to enjoy some swimming in the tidal pools.

I think Bender might swim all day if I let him.

Our weather has turned to summer all the sudden. The temp is supposed to get up the mid 90s this weekend. I will remember this day at the ocean to help make that more tolerable.

My company all left on Monday morning, and then the roofers arrived. It’s been a noisy couple of days but I think they very well may finish tomorrow. Fingers crossed. In the mean time, I’m excited to have this on my property.

One more day in my short work week!

38 Replies to “I’m Baaaaaack”

  1. Welcome back! Glad to c u again! Good to hear about all your company and good times! With the pics, I almost felt as tho I were there too! Such lovely area you live in! The gardens were just gorgeous, but looked a bit empty without a couple cute doggies posing!
    I saw an act on America’s got talent that’s right up Rico’s alley. It’s a dancing dog who really did dance and perform as directed. It was so obvious he was SO happy doing it as well. If you want to check it out, it’s at the 1.5 hour mark out of a 2 hr show.
    I’m sure those roofers are trying to get done before your heatwave moves in! We’ve been having that weather + high humidity for several weeks now. It’s nuts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My dogs would have loved to go to the Japanese garden, but probably would have ruined the tranquility for all the other visitors!

      Those poor roofers worked Friday and Monday in terrible heat. I can’t imagine being up there when it’s in the upper 90s! I would not be very productive! But they were!



  2. Very happy that you finally got to see your family, Anne. Handsome lot!
    Thanks for the wonderful pics , I adore roses and the sea so it was lovely looking at those this morning.
    Rain here but that’s great as I’ve taken a nasty fall Andrew I’m on crutches and it saves my poor husband having to water all my plants!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome back Anne, thank you for sharing the garden photos. The Japanese garden in Portland is one of my favorite places to visit when in Oregon. You brought back memories for me. Love seeing the pups in the water. They are so awesome. It looked like a nice visit with your family . I’m in awe how much natural beauty you are surrounded by. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really am lucky to live in such a lush and beautiful place. it’s such a treat to live close enough to the coast to make it a really doable day trip. Plus, company always loves to go so my boys love it when people visit!


  4. That video was so much fun to watch. I’m so glad someone caught it on “tape” for you. And the seimming in the tidal pools was precious. Your dogs are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for all the gorgeous photos. I loved “seeing” the Japanese Garden. Maybe someday in person….
    Does the Rose Garden have an overwhelming fragrance, I wonder?
    And lastly, it’s good to remember poop happens.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like an awesome visit! I remember that spaghetti picture, I got sooo hungry 😋! My favorite video of Bender, so happy swimming, he can come and get in my pool anytime 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great videos of the boys. Bender looks so happy in the water. Do you have to worry about swimmers ear with them? Cute couple. Nice that they took the time to visit. Glad it finally worked out. Probably better flowers to see now rather than earlier. Your photos always make me feel like I’m on vacation. Gorgeous.
    Good luck with the roof. You get a discount usually on homeowners insurance with a new roof so mention it to your agent.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never had any issues with the dogs ears after swimming. they rarely get their heads under water unless its accidental.

      Hmmm. I’ll have to check on the home owner’s insurance with the new roof! Thanks for the tip.



  8. Looks like a Fabulous time. Stacations are something great to share. Love every single rose…thanks for sharing the wine. My family from Sicily. We are fortunate..‼️

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  9. Wow that garden is gorgeous! Hope they get done with your roof quickly. Mine is about 19 years old so hopefully it makes it awhile longer. Love the dogs too!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hooray!!! I missed you 🤗. The water looks so refreshing! Bender is a great swimmer. Rico doesn’t swim? Thanks for all those fabulous photo’s. Looks like you where the best hostess for your family. The roses are so beautiful – did they smell as wonderful as they look? Looking forward to your next project.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rico does swim. they both enjoy it, but it’s possible that Bender is a little more of a fan.

      I usually only stick my nose in orangey roses… they have a more citrus aroma that I really like. I prefer that color and the smell! It’s possible one affects the other.



  11. The coastal visit looks ideal with the heat you’re having and it’s such a treat to see the video of Bender in the water! Nice to have the visit from brother and his wife and when the roof is finished you’ll be able to have a rest and get back to the machine! Got to say thanks for showing the photos of the gardens you visited, those roses are a dream.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wine, flowers, friends, dogs, family ~ LIFE IS GOOD!
    Oh, and P.S. , you can never have too many photos of flowers … says the former florist owner/designer.

    Liked by 1 person

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