Bored Dogs and A Batik Finish

I had a bit of a sleep in this morning and then treated myself to a tasty breakfast.

It rained all day today. At one point I thought it was light enough that I could get on my rain gear and get these pathetic dogs out for a walk.

But when I looked out the back door I could see that it was still raining pretty steadily. We got close to an inch of rain today. It did’t rain hard but it rained steady all day.

It should start to taper off tomorrow morning around 5 am. I’m supposed to play pickleball tomorrow night so I’m happy that will happen.

So while the boys were being pathetic I hit my sewing room between watching live pickleball matches. I managed to finish up my batik All Inked Up quilt. The first thing I had to do was whip up the four remaining blocks.

Then I moved a few things around on the design wall until I felt good about how it looked.

Next I put up all the sashing strips I needed to add to the blocks before I sewed them together. It turned out to be a bit of a mess because they wouldn’t stick to the design wall! Several times I had to pick up little piles of strips and try to figure out where they had fallen from. So I pinned them all up so I could get a good look and make a few final moves.

Once everything was where I wanted it to be and pinned in place I started sewing. I got three rows all sewn together before I took a break for dinner. Once I was back in my sewing room I had it all ready to sew the final seam in no time.

Once that seam was done I did the final press.

I love the back of a quilt when it all goes together nicely.

Once it was pressed it went back up on the design wall for a photo.

I’m still not happy with how the colors come out in the photos from the design wall. These photos were taken with the quilt on the bed in my guest room and they are truer.

Here’s the full view.

By this time Bender was quite bored with the whole operation.

Rico lost his patience much earlier in the day.

That is a very sad rainy day face.

Oh, and I just remembered. At some point today I decided to cut up the scraps from this quilt to make some key chains. I gave a bunch away over the last week and since I have the hardware I thought this was a good opportunity to make up some new ones.

I’ll probably pull out some of my Kaffe scraps and make more keychains while I’m at it. It’s great to have a bunch on hand, I give them away all the time.

I have a couple personal days off that I have to use before June 30 so I’m planning a trip down to my brother’s place. It will be nice to have a few days out of town.

27 Replies to “Bored Dogs and A Batik Finish”

  1. Love this new finish. The boys did look pretty sad Momā€¦like what the heck?!? Iā€™ll have to check out your site to see what your key chains look like finished.

    You really are inspiring my Kaffe journey. I recently had the opportunity to meet him with Brandon in Carpenteria at Roxanneā€™s A Wish and a Dream for a book signing. So many people in line for this event. Iā€™m loving the book and Iā€™ve picked up a fat quarter bundle and a 6ā€ roll to make some fun projects. Have added sharks tooth fabric to my stash and more yardage for several pillow covers for my vacation homes bed. Have to get busy!

    Hopefully you and the boys get to stretch your legs soon.

    Thanks again for sharing your projects. Iā€™m watching lots of others on the Kaffe Facebook page copying your designs so I know lots of us are following along as you create!

    We enjoy it and I sure hope you enjoy taking us along as well.

    PJ Kytlica 805-660-4400

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sure you already said what your measurements were when you cut the fabric, but could you please tell me. I have a lot of batik fabrics and would like to make a

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! Love your batik quilt! Rainy days can be very productive, but I understand the bored dog syndrome. My version has only one fabric for the strips, mostly because I didn’t have such a great assortment of batiks. We too had a rainy weekend, but with some sunny breaks for (dog) walks. I am working on a diamond quilt, joining the strips of diamonds, trying to get it off the design wall so I can turn my sewing room back into a guest room for my kids and grandkids to visit next week.. Of course, as I put away fabrics, I get side tracked into combining fabric combinations for another quilt (or three), too. After I finish the donor quilt on Thursday (our group quilting day), I want to try the All Inked Up in Kaffe. Thanks for sharing! Donna

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll make this pattern again and will use one fabric for the strips. I’ve seen some really cool ones but I wouldn’t use the white strips the pattern shows.



    1. If you go to my blog and search for ā€œkey chainsā€ or ā€œkey fobsā€ youā€™ll get lots of blog posts about making these. I used a tutorial on YouTube. Canā€™t remember which one. One of my many blog posts includes the tutorial I used. just go to YouTube and search for ā€œfabric key fob tutorialā€ and youā€™ll get a grundle of videos!



    1. I cut my squares at 8 inches. the sections I cut from the four patches were 3 inches wide. Strips are 1/5 inches. that should be all you need!
      If you go to my blog and search for ā€œkey chainsā€ or ā€œkey fobsā€ youā€™ll get lots of blog posts about making these. I used a tutorial on YouTube. Canā€™t remember which one. One of my many blog posts includes the tutorial I used. just go to YouTube and search for ā€œfabric key fob tutorialā€ and youā€™ll get a grundle of videos!



    1. If you go to my blog and search for ā€œkey chainsā€ or ā€œkey fobsā€ youā€™ll get lots of blog posts about making these. I used a tutorial on YouTube. Canā€™t remember which one. One of my many blog posts includes the tutorial I used. just go to YouTube and search for ā€œfabric key fob tutorialā€ and youā€™ll get a grundle of videos!



  4. I think this quilt must be more stunning in person, I could see the fabrics from the closeups were quite vibrant. We also had rain quite often here in the Midwest, the farmers had a hard time getting into the fields but the crops are growing. I would like to see your keychains too please.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Batiks are always more vibrant in person. I don’t have good luck photographing them.

      If you go to my blog and search for ā€œkey chainsā€ or ā€œkey fobsā€ youā€™ll get lots of blog posts about making these. I used a tutorial on YouTube. Canā€™t remember which one. One of my many blog posts includes the tutorial I used. just go to YouTube and search for ā€œfabric key fob tutorialā€ and youā€™ll get a grundle of videos!



    1. If you go to my blog and search for “key chains” or “key fobs” you’ll get lots of blog posts about making these. I used a tutorial on YouTube. Can’t remember which one. One of my many blog posts includes the tutorial I used. just go to YouTube and search for “fabric key fob tutorial” and you’ll get a grundle of videos!



  5. Is that some kind of grilled cheeseā‰ļø It looks so good. Iā€™m afraid I could live on grilled cheese. Rye with Swiss is my favorite. Love the quilt too!

    Liked by 1 person

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