Crumb Blocks done. Now what?

I finished up 63 crumb blocks in a matter of a couple of weeks. I’m pretty surprised I got them done this fast. I was really efficient and productive!

They’re all up on the design wall and now I’m trying to decide how to finish them.


I’m going to do some kind of sashing or borders on each block using Kaffe’s spots in various colors. I originally thought I would use a wider white with black spots sashing with black spots cornerstones, like this:


But I have to admit that I don’t love it. All I see is the white. I thought maybe part of the problem was that the photo was taken late at night, but it didn’t look any better in daylight.

But it still reads too white and the crumb blocks get lost in it.

So now I’m thinking I will do just a bunch of different color spots as a border on each crumb block, and will leave out the white and black. I’ll arrange them randomly rather than in a pattern or order.


I like the way this looks, but I have to try out some different widths for the borders to get it right. I also need to buy more colors in the spots. I only have about a half dozen. I’m lucky that there is a store near where I take Rico for our sheep herding lessons that has a really good selection of the spots. I won’t be up there for another week, but will take some blocks with me to select another group of spots.

I have several large cuts of Kaffe fabrics that I bought, mostly on sale, to be used as quilt backs. But none of them really work with this quilt. So on an impulse I went online last night and found the fabric I wanted and ordered enough for the backing, plus enough to leave some for me to fold and fondle.


I have this design in two color ways that would be large enough for backings. But this color is so amazing! And I think it will be perfect for the back of this quilt!

It will be hard to wait a week to get going on finishing up these blocks. I’m going to have to find something else to work on. Maybe I’ll finish the blocks for the Japanese X and + quilt for my guest room. That’s a crazy idea!

12 Replies to “Crumb Blocks done. Now what?”

  1. I love the crumb blocks with the small border then the larger black and white polka dots with black corner pieces. I think it really makes the crumb blocks stand out individually. Just my opinion. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! Thanks! I know I’m going to have a hard time deciding how to finish this quilt. I think I let a friend convince me the white wasn’t working, but I’m not sure. I may have to actually cut some pieces and get it up on the design wall and play with proportions. thanks for letting me know you like the white dots!


  2. Try diagonal. Try stripes. Or craziest of a all. Cut diagonal and join with diff blocks. I love the dots with sround in blknandvwhite. Msybe stars in sashing


    1. This quilt has been done for months, but I continue to do a good bit of crumb piecing. I love doing it and incorporating pieces of it in other projects.


  3. I, personally, like the white background. I think the blocks pop better on the white. The spots are too busy and the scrappy gets lost in them. Great job on the scrappy crumb blocks, though! I love this method. Just finished making over 40 blocks myself using this method.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How I 💘 love your work. It’s absolutely inspiring and I immediately noticed that my favorite fabrics were used. I am a big fan of Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I accidentally was at MSQC when he was there. Even got his autograph on one of his books. You obviously love his fabrics as much as I do. I just haven’t seen his newest fabrics yet. I wish you always Happy Quilting. **

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’m happy you found my blog! And yes.. I do love these KFC fabrics. i’m not really sure what came first… if it was quilting or KFC fabrics. They were nearly simultaneous.



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