I’m Going Stir Crazy

Between being sick and all the rain we’ve had, I’m getting a bit stir crazy. I haven’t played pickleball for a week and a half! And I’ve been stuck in the. house either recuperating or fleeing the rain.

I feel pretty good. Much better and almost back to normal…. except for this freaking cough! I’m really quite exhausted from coughing. The good thing is that I’ve been taking a good expectorant and my cough is becoming more and more productive every day. But it’s a lot of coughing.

How many of these is too many?

I’m well into my second bag. The directions say to let one drop dissolve slowly in your mouth every two hours. I’m pretty sure I’m taking one every 20 minutes! If not more!

We’re going to be getting a bit of a break in the rain for a few days. it’s been really wet here. There are land slides, road wash outs and flooding all around us. It’s a lot of rain, but it’s been warm. I keep my thermostat at 68 degrees during the day and turn it down to 63 degrees when I go to bed at night and the last two nights it’s only gotten down to 67 degrees by the time I get up. That’s some balmy nights.

I noticed today that my daffodils are up already! They are usually poking their heads up before Christmas. But this is ridiculously early!

This is the field where Rico has his sheep herding lesson on the weekends.

I have managed to get my boys. out for an evening walk the last few days. It actually makes me feel better and clears my head and lungs a little when I get out and move around. And it makes my boys happy too. They’ve been really good the last week but they are ready for action!

I have a light schedule at work tomorrow and the weather looks good so I might duck out mid day and go and do some practice with my teacher and some other students. I think it would do me good!

I’m slowly chunking away at hand sewing the binding of my Ice Storm quilt. I have three sides done now and should be able to finish the last side tomorrow night, unless some kind of offer for something more interesting comes my way. Like that ever happens…

I don’t love handwork, but the one thing I’m really enjoying about this project is looking at this quilt as it’s crumpled in my lap as I work on it. it’s really pretty and so different from what I usually make.

And I LOVE that octopus backing! It’s so crazy but all the colors are so perfect with the quilt top. I’m so glad my friend suggested it.

I have the fourth side all clipped and ready to start sewing.

I’ve been switching out which quilts I have on the top of the pile on my guest bed. It’s fun to see them every time I walk by. I caught this black quilt in the morning light today and just loved the way the quilting stood out. I just had to take a photo.

Fingers crossed that I feel good enough and the weather cooperates a little so I can get out and get some physical activity.

58 Replies to “I’m Going Stir Crazy”

  1. Hi, I hope you feel better soon.
    I live in Surrey, England and we are also getting far to much rain for this time of year but it’s not snow so every cloud has a silver lining. My bulbs are also coming up but I hope the rain does not rot the rest of them.
    I’ve been following you for some time now and I love your choices of colours, I’m learning a lot from you so thank you for sharing your quilting with us all but, I’m not sure of your name? Is it Anna ?.
    Kathleen. England

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m loving following you Anna. You have made me look at fabrics , colours,I would not put together but now I am. Thank you so much for that.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your weather is the same as ours in uk…wev e just finished with a freezing frost and into rain and floods and landslide blocking some roads and a main railway line. Flooded fields..mud and water underfoot…gardens are soggy and muddy but like you’rs the spring bulb have come through. This year I frost fleeced my shrubs and cordilines. I lost all my garden plants last winter in the freeze up. I didn’t frost wrap them in time. Even my dahlia and begonias went to mush. This year they are dried put in a paper bag and box and in the bedroom cupboard …hope your cough clears soon. …Jackie


  3. Good morning Anne, It can be a long haul recuperating, but it beats a relapse by a mile. Thought I’d share a picture of my yard this morning Lynn


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry you’re still not up to par. Coughing is the worst and for me it always lingers as bronchitis. Ugh. Yes, the cool moist air feels good and I find a vaporizer not as effective as the outdoor damp/moist air.

    Ice storm is very different color way for you and it is lovely and calming. The backing is a fun twist to this quilt, it has the colors but adds that touch of whimsy.

    Take are and I hope you feel better soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I got some physical activity in this afternoon and my lungs feel so much better tonight! it was good for me to get out.

      Ice Storm is def different from my other stuff. But I Love it!


  5. Gosh I Feel bad for you still sick. You are definitely not a sit still kind of person. And that field oh my. That IS a lot of rain. Bulbs coming up in December? Wow. I’m not sure if I’m impressed or tired. That means you never get a break from gardening chores? Ours don’t start paying until March, 3 more months. Feel better soon🤞

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I love your work. Your taste and mine are quite similar and you’ve given me a number of ideas!


  6. Oh nooo that field is so flooded. Sorry about your cough. I know how annoying it is. The octopus quilt is spectacular ♥️. Hi Rico and Bender, sorry so much rain it’s cutting into play time.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Could you advise me what pattern is the (Ice Storm Quilt)?
    Really love the Octopus fabric for backing blends extremely nice with front fabrics.
    Prayers that your cough leaves and you and the boys gets some outdoors time.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You’ve probably received lots of advice, so here’s 1 more

    Try CHLORASEPTIC lozenges for your cough. ( There is a sugar free option) Almost instant relief—Dr reccomended, long lasting Comes in a box not a bag. Good luck.


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Take care of that cough Anne, you need to be able to breathe well. I’ve been sick for 2 weeks and coughing all the time and now acute bronchitis which has made asthma worse! Too sick to sew and I’m getting antsy. This too shall pass if I can just “Cool my jets”and rest. Hope you’ll be feeling much better soon!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve had bronchitis many times in my past and pneumonia once. This cough is very different from those. I’m on the mend now and feeling so much better today.

      Rest up!



  10. Hey there from Texas. When I had Covid (and pneumonia) I coughed a lot. My sister told me about the ‘pearls’ she used when she was sick. I asked my dr about them and she gave me a script for them. Have you heard of ‘pearls’? They would help u’r cough tremendously.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, Sorry to hear you are feeling sick. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I enjoy reading about what you are working on, thanks for the newsy posts. I LOVED the octopus fabric, can you tell me who makes it or where I can find it. Thanks, Chris

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m happy to be feeling much better!

      The octopus fabric is actually called Octopus by Brandon Mably. It’s a Kaffe Fassett Collective fabric. It’s pretty amazing!



  12. Facing 109degrees today Downunder so also relegated to being a stay at home. But I feel your pain. Coughing is exhausting – have you tried postural drainage??? It uses gravity to get the secretions up from the lungs. An old physio treatment but definitely works. Assume dogs are stir crazy too. Thoughts are with you. BUT just hang in there and take things ONE DAY AT A TIME. All you can do anyway

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting. I’ve never heard of postural drawing. I’ll have to give that a try next time!

      and 109 is too freaking hot!!!

      My boys have been good but are def ready for some activity!



  13. sorry you are not feeling well. it will soon pass. I have a great chicken soup recipe if you are up to it, i can forward. go outdoors get some sun – only if it isnt raining – sun will come thru clouds

    Colorful quilts a great but… the Ice Storm quilt is amazing!,If I were there, Id do everything to make it mine 🤗

    take care

    Liked by 1 person

  14. There you are my dear keeping going. I love how the quilt binding doesn’t detract from the quilt, but blends nicely. But, then again I love all your work.

    Glad the Boys are going out and pickle ball is not that far off.

    Making a raisin pie today like my Mum used to make. All gooey and not too sweet, with a dollop of whipped cream.

    Keep going and writing about everything.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I hope you’re feeling better VERY soon. Apparently this cough “thing” that so many people are getting can linger for a month+ !! I’m wondering if you know where you got the octopus fabric in the quilt you’ve shown here. I LOVE it!!! Thanks for any info you have! Anne Meddaugh

    Liked by 1 person

    1. it’s Dec 20 as I type and I still can’t shake this cough. Lots of people around here have the same thing. I’m a little better every day but still feeling the affects.

      I don’t remember where I got the octopus fabric. I think it getting a little harder to find, especially in that color way. you should be able to find some with a Google search.



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