Getting Busy on a Saturday

I got up early this morning and was on the sunny and warm pickleball court at 8:30. It was so gorgeous! Everyone was so happy to be out! It was such a great way to start a beautiful Saturday.

I took the dogs with me to pickleball because when I was done we were on the road to Molalla for Rico’s weekly sheep herding lesson. It was so gorgeous and Rico was a good kid! And there was such a surprise! Fresh lambs. Less than a day old!

You know what that means! It’s almost time for me to spend a couple days with my herding instructor during lambing season! It’s just two weeks away and I’m so excited! This will be our third year hanging out with fresh lambs for a couple days in the beautiful Oregon spring time. Truly the best two days of my year!

When we got home I spent an hour on the sofa with ice in various places. I’ve played a good deal of pickleball this week and I’m trying to make the habit of icing after I play in order to stave off issues. I’ve been feeling a bit of a twinge in my shoulder and ice really helps. I felt great this afternoon following my icing session.

After dinner I hit my sewing room and wanted to finish up the green blocks for the remaining 12 centers I made a couple days ago. It took me about 90 minutes and I got them done and all squared up.

Then I tossed them up on my design wall. I’m getting really close to having all the blocks I need for this one.

I think I’ll need another full row of the green blocks to make this the height I want. it will be a throw size quilt. I’ll lose quilts a few inches in height when all the blocks are sewn together. I think I need seven more green blocks and around 20 additional low volume blocks. I’ll finish the green blocks first and get an accurate count for the low volume blocks once it’s all up on the design wall.

I auditioned a little strip of the black and white stripe with the border fabric and I really like it.

I think it’s a nice little detail. I’m pretty sure I have enough of that strip for the binding as well. since I have no plan for this quilt it may be some time before I get it quilted, so I’ll just fold up that striped fabric with the quilt top so I don’t use it on something else.

The last few days have certainly felt like spring. And the plants are responding. My daffodils have finally opened up. My forsythia is exploding with blooms. And my flowering plum tree is looking and smelling wonderful!

I love that my dogs so enjoy days like today that they are happy to hang out in the back yard all day long. . . just enjoying the lovely day.

This is the face of expectation that something fantastic might happen at any moment.

What a great way to go through life!

39 Replies to “Getting Busy on a Saturday”

  1. Every time you get a big chunk of a new quilt up on the design board, I think, “This is my favorite quilt”. Sure enough, THIS one is my favorite!

    Is spring early in your area? We’re 2-3 weeks ahead in Wisconsin, though not as far as you are. The crocuses and jonquils are in bloom. No trees or shrubs, just tiny buds.

    I think you and Rico seem to look at life the same way…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Spring has been a lot earlier. My daffodils are just opening up. When I bought my house in 2010 I first saw it on Feb 25. The daffodils were in full bloom at that time. So we’re almost a month behind that. I think this might be pretty typical. Our winters are not terribly cold, usually. Just really wet!



  2. 🥰 those beautiful faces, full of personality! They are so cute and kissable 😘. I am looking forward to seeing your lamb adventures. The green quilt looks fabulous just in time for St. Patty’s day 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. love the new green quilt in progress and I agree the b/w stripe against the border is perfect 🍀🇮🇪💚 happy Saint Patrick’s day to you and the boys 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. . I look forward to your post about your quilts, dogs and your pictures of flowers and friends/family. I recently saw a post on Facebook that really bothered me. Someone posted a picture of your green quilt said “look what’s on my design wall”. I don’t usually respond but I had to asked are this is your design? There are a lot of fake dishonest people. I can’t wait to see the green quilt. It’s my favorite color

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes that is what I saw. So glad it was you. I didn’t knit that Anne was your name🙃🤣


  5. Love all your pictures and posts that you share…I’m wondering what size you design board is; I’d like to have one but don’t know what size works well

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure of the exact measurements, but I think it’s around 70 inches by 90 inches. It’s big enough for a throw size quilt but not big enough for a queen. If I had more space and a dedicated wall I’d definitely have a larger design wall.



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