Today I Chose Fun Over Responsibility

I slept late today. It was nearly 10:30 when I finally dragged myself out of bed. It felt pretty wonderful!

After a hot shower and “breakfast” at the time when most people eat lunch, I took the boys out for a nice four mile walk. It was sort of perfect weather for a walk. The sun came and went as we walked, there was a lovely smell of fall leaves in the air, and the temperature at 54 was perfect for walking.

When we got home from our walk I checked my phone and saw that a group of pickleball players were putting together some open play and were looking for players. So I changed clothes, grabbed my paddle and an apple and hit the road. I played for almost two hours and had an absolute blast.

I had intended to get more done around the house to prepare for company next weekend. I didn’t get done as much as I had wanted but I managed to change and launder the sheets in my guest room and get the room all cleaned and ready to go. I also cleaned out my utility room, folded a bunch of clean laundry and cleaned off the dining table and kitchen counter. So I did get some stuff done.

It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I’ll have plenty of opportunity to do house work.

After dinner I hit my sewing room again and finished up another bucket bag that I had cut out and prepped a few weeks ago. When these are all cut and fused it doesn’t take very long to get them all sewn together and finished.

I just love that denim with the gorgeous batik lining. I used some interfacing on this lining so the bag is a little more substantial than the one I finished last night.

And the obligatory photo of my tag… just because I love the details!

Since I got this done so quickly I decided to prep the next bag I had planned to make. So I pressed the fabrics, cut them to size, cut the interfacing and got it adhered to the fabric.

This will be all ready to sew together at some point in the day tomorrow

Look at how cute that fabric is!

I’m all ready for the time change tonight, but that doesn’t mean I like it. I really do HATE the time change I the fall. In the dead of winter her in Portland it’s dark at 4:00 in the afternoon. I always tell myself that If I an just hang on until Dec 21, I can make it the rest of the winter as we get a little more light as the days go by.

Only four months until we get that extra hour of evening light back!

34 Replies to “Today I Chose Fun Over Responsibility”

  1. Hi, the clocks have already gone back here in the UK. There was a year in the early 60’s when I was a child the clocks were not put back. Very quickly it was dark morning and evening which meant children never saw daylight to and from school. Hopefully they don’t try again! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are one high energy lady!! Glad you get so much enjoyment from your many activities 😁
    I’m sure others will want to know where you got the adorable multi-species B&W fabric. I hope it’s still available somewhere! Happy Sunday Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I bought it at Pioneer Quilts in Milwaukie, Oregon. they have a website and still have some but you can find it other places online. It’s calledTouch of Bright Stadium Animals White/Black SEF5806-09



  3. New to your blog, it gives me back some of my artistic juices flowing again ,busy making bucket bags,I have a great stash so I’m going wild with combining fabrics, Franking bag are in my visions, having fun again, oh all those orphan blocks,Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. these bucket bags are so simple, they really are about the fabrics! I love a surprise lining! It’s definitely not the place to scrimp, if you ask me!!!

      I need to dig in and make a couple Frankenbags for holiday gifts. Better get moving because it will sneak up on me!



  4. I hate the time change! It’s weird, getting the extra hour messes me up more than losing one, feeling 😴 tired. I bet the boys love walks in the cooler weather!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love your bags..just wondering what size do you make them…looks like maybe 12″ x 13″ ?? Wish I could do all the walking you do. Plus you have beautiful scenery for walks. Betty

    Liked by 1 person

    1. the panels for this bag start at 18×18. You cut out a 2.5 inch square gussets, so it’s nice and square on the bottom. It’s such simple construction, you could make ti any size you want.



    1. Here in Oregon we voted a few years ago to do away with the time change and stay on Daylight Saving Time all year long. I think the US Congress has to approve it. Apparently there are a bunch of states who have voted for this and are waiting… waiting… waiting. I don’t know what the hold up is.



  6. the animal fabric.
    You must be very young for your age. My 21yo granddaughter, who lives with me, sleeps until noon most every day. I’m not sure what she does all night long! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t sleep that late very often because I usually have to be up and out for a sheep herding lesson on Saturdays. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure!

      I do stay up way too late! it’s the best time of the day for me!



  7. I was wondering about the succulent fabric you used on your Frankenbags. Do you know the manufacturer? I volunteer at our local botanic garden and would like to make some things for the gift shop and that fabric would be perfect. Kaffe also, of course!


  8. I love everything you do! So inspiring 😊
    Like seeing photos of your walks and other activities with the boys too.
    And, that animal fabric is great. Hope you’ll share the manufacturer and title.


  9. Hi Anne, I can’t find our conversation on Instagram. Luckily I copied your address before I lost my post. Oh hell! Anyway, your grid is in the mail and is tracking to arrive this coming Thursday. I’m so grateful that you will have a chance to make use of it as it’s been sitting in my closet for quite some time. I am still not sure the best way to contact you. I know one thing the red cardinals didn’t set their time back. They are still on daylight saving time!! Thanks for your blog-I really enjoy and the pictures too😊Kay

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I still can’t believe you’re so generous! I can’t wait to get ahold of it and give it a try. I need to make a pink and turquoise Frankenbag and I just might use this new ruler to do it!!!

      you can always find me on Instagram or Facebook. You can also contact me here by email:

      thank you again! I’ll let you know when it arrives!



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