And Now for Something Completely Different

I toyed with the idea of taking tonight off from sewing but I’m pretty excited to get moving on the quilt I decided to make next. I wrote a little about this new project in this blog post.

Since I made my Ice Storm quilt that I gave to my pickleball coach, I’ve wanted to do another low volume project.

So I pulled out the box of fabrics I had put together a month ago or so and started pressing and cutting. The first thing I need to do is make a bunch of low volume 9 patches that will be 8 inches square before they are sewn into the quilt top.

I cut three-inch wide WOF strips from 20 different low volume white and black fabrics.

Here’s a bunch of them, but not all.

Here’s all 20.

There’s a good variety of prints and values here. And aren’t those little fish adorable?

Then I sliced these strips in half and sorted them into groups of three to make strip sets.

Once the strip sets were sewn and pressed I sub-cut them into 3 inch pieces.

Here’s all the sets I got made and sub cut tonight.

I combined some of these into four groups of three and sewed those groups into nine patches.

These are not my typical colorful approach to quilting. But fear not. That part is coming. These will be combined with these lovely Kaffe Fassett Collective greens.

I’m not going to tell you what I’m doing with those green fabrics. It will have to be a surprise. Maybe I can share photos tomorrow if I’m able to get some stuff done.

It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day in Portland today. I spent an hour or so this afternoon with my sliding door open to let in the first warm spring air. It was sunny and over 60 degrees. I just love the first day when I can open up all the doors and windows in the house and let in some lovely fresh spring air!

And the rain comes back tomorrow and stays for four days. Next weekend we’re supposed to be up to 70 degrees with glorious sunshine! I can hardly believe it!

I did get outside today and get some photos of my two recent quilt tops. It’s nice to see them in the sunshine.

This dark one was hard to get a photo of because it’s too big to hang on the fence without it dragging on the ground. It’s still really wet so I didn’t want it to get muddy.

The colors are so pretty, but that is one dark quilt!

I love my Interweave quilt. It looks so happy and looks like spring.

I really enjoyed making that quilt. It was a bit of a puzzle and demanded some attention to keep everything in the right place to maintain the weave pattern. But it was so fun to see all those colors, designs and patterns come together.

Bender, of course, was happy to participate in the photo session.

Here’s my five quilt tops finished so far in 2024.

With the warm temps coming up everything here will be blooming before long.

It’s the weekend so that means sheep herding, pickleball and sewing. I will be doing all of those things tomorrow!

27 Replies to “And Now for Something Completely Different”

  1. Well you’ve got my attendion. black and white and green sounds intriguing. Can’t wait. What is the name please of the fabric that looks like lime slices? The quilts look great ourside.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. that fabric is called St. Clemons. It’s been out of print for some time. I have a few small pieces. It’s a great fabric. it’s the binding on the NY Beauty wall hanging in my sewing room, in orange.



  2. I keep up with your posts and love seeing all of your projects. It’s evident that you sew a lot, and your quilts are gorgeous. Seeing all of your five 2024 finished quilts in one place puts a new whole perspective on much you accomplish!!! I was just wondering if you were going to get to go to this year’s lambing adventures, and what should appear in today’s post – word that you’ve scheduled time off to go. I’m looking forward to reading all about it and seeing this year’s pictures. Congrats on your pickleball club membership!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, the last time I made nine patches they were a mess. These are so nice and square. All that sewing has really increased my precision and squareness. it’s fun to see!

      I’ can’t wait for lambing. Fingers crossed that we get god weather!



  3. Wonderful fabrics, can’t wait to see this one Anne. I love all your quilts they are an inspiration and cheer me up on a cold wet and windy day here in N. Ireland.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bender is such a good sport to happily lend his bright spirit and terrific personality to the quilt pictures! He knows his contributions to the quilt story are very valuable items!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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