Finally — the Weekend!

I’m so glad the weekend is here and it’s gonna be a fun one! Tomorrow I’m meeting a friend down at my herding teacher’s farm to visit her lambs! I haven’t had my hands on lambs for a couple years and I’m so excited! I just love lambs. One of my favorite things about spring.

That’s me with a brand new lamb back in 2017. Look how happy I am!

After we see the lambs we’re going to a different friend’s place to do some herding training.

Then on Sunday, Rico is entered in another sheep herding trial up near Olympia, Washinton. Later on Sunday I have a Zoom call with my siblings and nephews. We haven’t done that for a few months so that will be fun.

I’m feeling a real surge of creativity in sewing right now. I had so much fun making my two crumb and improv pieced totes bags earlier this week and I can’t wait to make more.

I’ve been working on organizing my scraps and creating some random blocks and crumb blocks the last couple of evenings.

I think I have enough crumb pieces to make two bags. I’ll need to make a few bigger blocks to fill it all out and make them interesting.

I have so many ideas running around in my head. It’s so funny to me that I can get so excited to make something new and can almost be obsessed about it. But I’ve had more fun making these bags than I’ve had making anything else for awhile. Maybe because they’re small and finish up quickly. But I think part of it is that they’re so free form and creative. At any rate, all I can think about is the next bag I’m going to make.

In going through my KFC scraps I found a bunch of scraps from my first Ruffled Feathers quilt made from all contrast color way fabrics. I’m pretty sure there’s enough to make one of these tote bags. It promises to be chaotic but probably fun! I’m giving some thought on what to combine with those fabrics to make it interesting.

My friend offered the other night to send me some of her scraps and I told her no. Well, I called her today and told her I needed her scraps! I don’t have enough scraps to match up with my ideas!

I’ve been thinking about black fabrics recently. I’ve been looking at a lot of them on Pinterest and have some ideas percolating for a quilt. So I went online the other night and ordered some black and white fabrics. I had a few pieces already, but not enough to make a black and white quilt interesting.

I just love graphic black and whites combined with bright colors. So many ideas running around in my head, but this may all go toward some kind of zig zag quilt. I have a pattern I’ve wanted to make for a couple years and my friend loaned me the required template.

I’ve been worried that my trusted iron is on the way out. My mom gave me this iron when I graduated from college back in 1983! It’s got a lot of miles on it and it’s a great iron. It makes me so sad to think it’s life might be coming to an end.

It LOOKS like it’s got a few miles on it.

I don’t want to end up without an iron because that would mean I can’t do much sewing. So I went on Amazon tonight and ordered a new one. It will be here on Monday. And guess what. I bought another Sunbeam Steam Master! I hope the new one is as good as this one.

10 Replies to “Finally — the Weekend!”

  1. Oh, my! The picture with the lamb is so sweet 🙂 ! LOVE Mr. Bender with the tote bags, such a sweetie. Does he know he’s a working dog too ? lol. I can see why you are enjoying making your bags. It’s a great quicker finish than quilting and they are so unique and colorful. I used to have the same iron, hated it when it died. Enjoy your weekend 🙂

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  2. I laughed at your comments about your Sunbeam iron! I’ve never had an iron that lasted much beyond the warranty. My hands are so arthritic now that I use a very small travel iron to press seams. I know just what you mean about ideas buzzing around in your head. Creativity and new ideas just can’t be denied, so GO FOR IT! Today I’m Accucutting 2 1/2″ strips for Ice Storm. I’m lagging behind you – I can’t keep up.

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  3. Please let us know when you decide to sell some of these bags!! I absolutely love your colors. I’m a “bright” and colorful gal too. (Maybe because I have to wear a uniform for work, blah…)

    Liked by 1 person

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