A Bit of a Break and Thinking About What’s Next

I’ve decided I’m going to take a few days away from my sewing room. That last project taxed me a little. So I’m thinking about what I’ll do next. I’m actually thinking I’ll make a few lists… things I should finish, things I want to start, and things I’m noodling on.

There are a good number of things I SHOULD do.

I SHOULD put the border on the sunburst quarter log cabin quilt I’m giving to my brother.

I should make the quilt back for my Jewel Frames quilt that’s for my bedroom.

I should make the backings for the four quilts that my friend will quilt in exchange for some quilt tops.

(Hmmm. There seems to be a definite color story in those quilts. I hadn’t noticed that before.)

OR… I could do something really fun instead.

I could pull out these scrappy blocks and toss them on the design wall and look at them for a few weeks.

I could start a new quilt.

Maybe these bright batiks made into big drunkards path blocks.

Or I could dig into this pattern in Australian Aboriginal fabrics.

OR I could start cutting into these KFC fabrics and make a blue version of the Jewel Frames quilt.

I’m sort of itching to start something new, but I really need to get those quilt backs done. So I think I’ll spend some time being responsible before I give myself the luxury of something more fun.

Spring is starting to poke its head up here in Portland. I saw this patch of crocus yesterday.

Today was a very wet day. It poured all day and my lawn is like a swamp. It did clear up after work so we got a nice evening walk in, most of it in daylight!

Bender had his own way of dealing with a dark and dreary day.

We’ve got some really wonderful weather coming up. It looks like spring may finally be arriving!

I’m going to play some pickleball tomorrow night. It will be ice to get some activity in after a long day of work.

26 Replies to “A Bit of a Break and Thinking About What’s Next”

  1. Good luck! I wonder how long you’ll stay away from the sewing room?. You have some beautiful projects waiting for you when you get back to them. It`s a good plan though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is always exciting to see signs of Spring! We are seeing signs here in Virginia too. I am a person who loves to start new projects but I have trouble making myself finish them. I am new to your blog and you are truly an inspiration to me. Thank you for this peek into your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I sometimes have to force myself to finish projects. I have several that are still unfinished. One is a quilt for my guest room. It’s been sitting in a box, untouched, for at least two years. I intend to finish it but just never think to pull it out. Only needs five or six more blocks.

      Thanks for reading!



  3. Your UFO’s are beautiful, I look forward to seeing them when finished. Such beautiful fabrics. Spring is coming when the flowers start blooming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a little anxious to see some of these quilts done! That’s a big part of my drive to get these backs done.

      More flowers here every day. The forsythia are starting to bloom!



  4. So many ways to go. Love the blue fabrics! They’re all great but I’m itching for blue. Just finished 2 “Sisterhood” pattern quilts. I used all batiks but now want to do it in KFC. It’s a cute quick pattern. You might want to check it out. Whatever you do though will be inspirational to all of us. I guess we could call you our muse!!!
    Gorgeous crocus.
    Poor Bender.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m kind of itching to start that blue one. I really do want to get my quilt tops done… at least a couple of them… before I start a new project. I might not be successful with that!



  5. You mentioned scrappy squair’s. How do you start them, do you just make them as you go or do you have a quilt colour and size in your mind when you make them.?
    I hope you don’t mind me asking.
    Thank you for all your inspiration.
    I really look forwardto your posts..


    1. This blog post will show you what I’m talking about. https://agilejack1.com/2023/02/10/chasing-a-squirrel-on-a-gorgeous-spring-day/

      I still don’t really know what I’ll make with these blocks. I’m thinking it will be a wall hanging because I just don’t need another full size quilt top. I do want a wall hanging for above my bed, so this may be it.

      I just grabbed my pile of scraps and started sorting out what would work for these blocks. then put fabric combos together and started sewing.

      Thanks for reading!



  6. Sometimes I play the 2:1 game. If I do 2 dreaded tasks I can do one fun one. Continue until the “2” pile is smaller or gone. I have several backs to make too. I think today is a good day to start on them.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m still in my Aboriginal fabrics phase so I’m fascinated by your Libby Quilt project. I’m having hand surgery next week so I need to make the most of my time before then. I have several small UFO ‘s that need my attention. It’s been like Spring here in the Shenandoah Valley but Sunday it was snowing! What a shock! Keep posting pictures of your projects – you are such an inspiration to me.


  8. Thanks for the crocuses! They are my favorite naturalizing flowers bc they are so exuberant! I am fascinated by your Australian Aboriginal fabrics. I’ve been eyeing the patchworky Stars of Africa quilt (shown Roberta Horton’s book, “The Fabric Makes the Quilt”) and thinking something similar might be a good way to further develop the Aboriginal theme. (I don’t know how to upload a pic here but can scan it and email it to you if you’re interested.)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I would go with your top two ‘shoulds’, as listed. Otherwise
    they’ll be niggling at the back of your mind and probably back at the bottom of another pile. Yes, I speak from experience!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d like to get those quilt backs made because I have a great way to get them quilted. I should get them done and get moving. Besides, they would be quick. I just don’t love making backings.



  10. The UFO pile. Getting backs done could be a quick end to all those dangling projects. I like the backs you have picked, especially the Uzbekistan for the Jeweled Frames, very rich. You will find the fun in whatever you decide to do. I find relief in getting backs done. It means they are almost done and closer to being enjoyed by whoever.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just love that Uzbekistan! I can still remember the day I bought it and the store. And I got is on sale!!! It’s especially special because it’s out of print. I love using that dear piece of fabric on my Jewel Frames quilt!



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